I picked up Nurture Shock : New Thinking About Children
by Po Bronson & Ashley Merryman on my way to the airport after
my baby shower. I read the bulk of it on the plane ride, and finished
it up when I returned home.
When I was peeking through the parenting section I decided on Nurture Shock because it is a scientific book about new ways to think about childhood that spans from baby into teenage years. I was ready for a break from pregnancy and baby specific books, and this was the perfect choice. The book is a New York Times Bestseller which I found in the Psychology section that is not like any other parenting book I have read thus far.
The book takes on topics like sleep, race, and lies with new insight backed up by scientific studies. It is less of a parenting book, and more of a thought provoking resource. When I read the chapter on why children lie I was intrigued by the theories, but in the end wasn't sure exactly how I would parent my child on the issue. I enjoy a book that opens up my mind to new ideas, and this book certainly fits the bill.
This book exposes some of the flaws in modern parenting, and offers scientific information to back up its theories. It is thoughtful, and well researched. A good read for parents in all stages of the journey.
Find out what other books I have been reading lately at this link.
* This post contains affiliate links, but I was not paid by the manufacturer to review this product - I just like it!
I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC's 16 CFR, Part 255. Images courtesy of Amazon.
When I was peeking through the parenting section I decided on Nurture Shock because it is a scientific book about new ways to think about childhood that spans from baby into teenage years. I was ready for a break from pregnancy and baby specific books, and this was the perfect choice. The book is a New York Times Bestseller which I found in the Psychology section that is not like any other parenting book I have read thus far.
The book takes on topics like sleep, race, and lies with new insight backed up by scientific studies. It is less of a parenting book, and more of a thought provoking resource. When I read the chapter on why children lie I was intrigued by the theories, but in the end wasn't sure exactly how I would parent my child on the issue. I enjoy a book that opens up my mind to new ideas, and this book certainly fits the bill.
This book exposes some of the flaws in modern parenting, and offers scientific information to back up its theories. It is thoughtful, and well researched. A good read for parents in all stages of the journey.
Find out what other books I have been reading lately at this link.
sounds like a great book, my daughter could use this
This sounds really good and not the typical ho hum.
thanks for the review.
email/ daveshir2005@yahoo.com
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