The bonding experience of breastfeeding is unexplainable. I am so in love with the expressions baby makes while eating and the way she holds onto a scrap of shirt. Lap naps after a meal are now one of my simple pleasures in life. Not because she won't nap in the crib because she will , but because I enjoy watching her sleep and a little time of pure relaxation.
I wanted to preserve this moment forever, but I know that even with baby lead weaning someday my milk will be gone.

And Milk Mom Baby was born. I now offer this preservation service in a variety of locket styles. I also listened to the little DIY voice in my head and created a kit for those creatives who love the idea, but would rather make it themselves.
Visit the website to view more samples of my work, read the blog, take advantage of the list of resources, and purchase your own keepsake of this special time in your life.
This is a great idea for moms who want to breast feed. They can have a keepstake for these pretty lockets. More women are breastfeeding now since they realzie it is much more healthy for their babies. Tho it isnt accepted so much in publc many places.
This would make a nice gift for a new mother.
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